Work description:
Planned total man month over 4 years (from contract)
NOVA | ESO | OAC | TERAPIX | USM | |||||
Boxhoorn | 30 | Slijkhuis |
6 |
Getman | 9 | Bertin | 2 | EC-Snigula | 3 |
Rengelink | 4 | EIS - NN | 6 | Puddu | 3 | Domisse | 8 | ||
EC-NN | 12 | EC-NN | 6 | EC-Volpicelli | 6 | EC-Magnard | 6 | ||
Valentijn | 6 | Rite | 6 | Erben- Didelon | 17 | ||||
Total | 52 | 24 |
18 | 33 | 3 | ||||
WP 3 | 130 |
TASK LEADER Boxhoorn + Valentijn
Current Group Domisse, Getman, Rite, Slijkhuis, Snigula
Subitem | Oracle | MySQL | SyBase |
Support OO coding / persistency. | OK / 9i feature. | NO / Absent. | NO / Absent. |
DB both suitable for pipeline administration, advanced applications and sourcelists | OK / see also persistency Appendix . | OK for pipeline administration / can be done with SQL92. NO for sourcelists and advanced applications / due to lack of OO functionality. |
OK for pipeline administration / can be done with SQL92. NO for sourcelists and advanced applications / due to lack of OO functionality. |
Tbyte scalability of sourcelist (table) data. | OK / see internal report . | NO / see MySQL documentation . | OK / see SyBase article . |
Support tools like Sassociate. | OK / see internal report - under investigation at Oracle HQ. | NO / Absent. | OK? / via proprietary third party addon named SQS . |
Provide components for creating federation. | OK / advanced replication - peer to peer Meta data. | NO / Absent. | UNKNOWN / Use SyBase Replication Server+Agent? Peer-to-peer support unknown. |
Provide tools/infrastructure for DB management. | OK / Oracle per se . | NO / via command line tool. | OK? / via SyBase Central and SQL Remote. Seems to be MS-Win only. Linux? |
Accessibility by programmer/user and training. | OK / Python-SQL interface, training for local juniors, central DBA. | OK / Python-SQL interface, OpenSource community. | NO / Python-SQL interface. |
Design support. | OK / arranged. | NO / external consultancy? | NO / subject to availability and cost. |
License costs. | OK / arranged for national centers, few 100 euro for individuals. | OK / Free of charge!!! | ? / See list price . |
tentatively planned during the week 7 -12 Oktober 2002 Lorentz center Leiden (?) (done - closed 1/11/03)ACTIONS Q3 2002 (after team meeting 31/10/02)