Data searching and viewing
GoWise DBViewer
Two online viewers of our Oracle
database, one 'quick and easy' the other 'advanced'. GoWise allows you to quickly locate and preview, download and inspect the quality of images and source lists. With the DBViewer you can view, filter, sort and download content of all
tables in the database and generate your own SQL statements.
Image services
Dependency Cut-out
Color Image Maker
With the Dependency Cut-out you get per source the CCD cut-outs of the science and calibration frames on which its data reduction depended. The Color Image Maker allows you to create an RGB image from calibrated science images (i.e., RegriddedFrames and CoaddedRegriddedFrames).
Database "editor"
aw partners
This tool, the calibration timestamp editor,
makes it possible to edit the timestamps of the different calibration
files and set the quality. This is the driver seat of the calibration
scientist, editing the timestamps and quality flags. It also
gives a graphical overview of which calibration files are used in the
various pipelines.
Viewing source code
Documentation for Astro-WISE. Tutorials, howto's etc. Browse the documentation inside the source code.
aw partners
All the source code of the Astro-WISE system is
maintained with Git. This version management tool allows different
users on different locations to work on the same source code. All the
source code can be viewed, including all the changes that have been
committed by the developers. GitLab is federating the code.
Google Sky
The Google Sky web service is overplotted with Frame,
SourceList and source information from the Astro-WISE database. The database
content is plotted on the scale of individual sources to the whole sky.
The image data (the pixels) come from the Google Sky web service.