
Consortium overview

In total the Astro-WISE consortium involves several dozens of persons. The consortium delivered the Astro-WISE Information System to the European Union in December 2006. The consortium continues its operations in the coming years. Below you find an overview of the organizational structure of the consortium as of december 2006.

The Astro-WISE consortium is a partnership of:
Institute Local PI Astronomer in charge Technical expert in charge
OmegaCEN-NOVA/Kapteyn Institute, Groningen - The Netherlands (coordinator) Valentijn, E.A., Kuijken, K. Verdoes Kleijn, G. Boxhoorn, D., Begeman, K.
Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli - Italy Cappacioli, E. Silvotti, R., Alcala, J. Getman, F.
Terapix, IAP, Paris - France Mellier, Y. McCracken, H. Magnard, F.
Universitäts-Sternwarte München / MPE, München - Germany Bender, R., Saglia, R. Wilman, D. Snigula, J.
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie, Bonn - Germany Schneider, P. Erben, T. Cordes, O.
ESO, Garching bei München - Germany