OmegaCAM is a 1 square degree wide field, optical, 16k X 16k camera for the VLT Survey Telescope (VST). OmegaCAM has been commissioned Summer 2011 and has started operations mid-Oct 2011. KIDS survey data is currently being taken at Paranal Observatory in Chile and processed by the Astro-WISE consortium in Europe (see also VST portal).
OmegaCEN logo NOVA logo RUG logo USM logo ESO logo INAF logo
OmegaCEN NOVA - outreach Kapteyn Instituut Groningen USM ESO INAF

OmegaCAM is built by a consortium of institutes, which in turn coordinate the contributions of more institutes in the following countries:


OmegaCAM en VST van start

medium resolution (3.7 MB)
high resolution (16 MB)
First images from the VLT Survey Telescope: VST and 268 megapixel OmegaCAM start work [press release: NL | EN]

Recent Project Information

The Astro-WISE Brochure The Astro-WISE information system was designed for OmegaCAM. This brochure contains descriptions of the Astro-WISE environment and the Dutch and European programme for Astro-WISE in 2008 and beyond.

Pictures and Press

Last modified: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2018 15:06:43 CEST