Observing and datamining with OmegaCAM

SPIE Conference, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Glasgow 2004.
OmegaCAM: Wide-field imaging with fine spatial resolution
Article  by K. Kuijken, R. Bender, E.Cappellaro, B. Muschielok et al. , in pdf format.
Poster  by K. Kuijken, R. Bender, E.Cappellaro, B. Muschielok et al. , in pdf format.

PowerPoint Presentation OmegaCAM March 2003.

SPIE Conference, Survey and Other Telescope Technologies and Discoveries, Hawaii 2002.
OmegaCAM: The 16k × 16k Survey Camera for the VLT Survey Telescope
Article  by E. Deul, K. Kuijken and E.A. Valentijn, in ps or pdf format. Conference Proceedings
Click here for the PowerPoint Presentation by Erik Deul.

Garching - 10 June 2002 - Conference: Toward an International Virtual Observatory:
 ASTRO-WISE presentation by Kuijken and Valentijn (.ppt)
Article by K.Kuijken and E.A.Valentijn AstroWise An Astronomical WideField Imaging system for Europe (.pdf) Conference Proceedings

Groningen - 13 March 2002 - OmegaCAM (signing of agreement ceremony), Powerpoint presentations by Koen Kuijken and Edwin Valentijn.

Kapteyn - October 2001: Lunchtalk-Valentijn (.pdf)

PRESTON (UK) -  meeting on Wide field imaging -August 2000:
Article by E.A.Valentijn, E. Deul and K. Kuijken  Observing and Datamining with OmegaCAM (pdf format)
2001 ASP Conference Series
Valentijn/Deul presentation in Preston August 2000 (.ps format)

RINGBERG - October 2000:
Valentijn presentation on Ringberg workshop on OmegaCAM - October 2000 pdf version

EDINBURGH  - November  2000
Valentijn presentation on Edinburgh workshop SURVEY SYSTEMS #1 - OPTICON - 2-3 November 2000 (seascape)  pdf version

OmegaCAM related data reduction sites
Last modified: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2018 15:06:26 CEST