The OmegaCAM Project
The OmegaCAM project involves:
- the design and construction of the Camera including software to operate it
- the design of calibration and observing strategies
- the design and implementation of a data reduction pipeline in an
archival environment, capable of handling a data volume of 20
The consortium institutes will receive garanteed observing time and will
conduct their own scientific programmes. The instrument will become publicly
available as a general ESO facility. Within ESO the VST plus its
instrumentation is regarded as another VLT instrument. The OmegaCAM will be the
only instrument on the VST, at least in the first years. An important
application of the VST and the OmegaCAM will be the selection of
targets for further follow-up VLT observations.
The VST camera announcement of opportunity
Exposure time calculation
External links
Last modified: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2018 15:06:50 CEST