WP4:  Action 6 Q1 2002

Constraints on time reduction of OmegaCam data

    To give a very prelimanary estimation of the time required to reduce the OmegaCam data we use some statistics on data rate production from WFI@2p2. 
The data rate produced by WFI@2p2 is on average 20 GB per night or 160 images per night and can come up to a peak value of 53 GB per night or 420 raw frames. If we multiply these number times 4 we can have an estimation of the data rate that will be produced with OmegaCam. We obtain 80 GB/night on average and 200 GB/night of peak data production.
If we require that the data have to be reduced in 24 hours (not conservative) we need an average reduction rate of 0.5 Mpixels/s and a peak reduction rate of 1.2 Mpixels/s.