SL = SourceList( ) SL.frame = ... # some BaseFrame SL.make() SL.commit()
SL = SourceList( pathname = ... ) # some sextractor output FITS file SL.make_sourcelist_from_catalog() SL.commit()
SL = ( SourceList.SLID == 0 )[0] RA = SL.sources.RA # get list with all source R.A.'s DEC = SL.sources.DEC # get list with all source Dec's ns = len(SL) # number of sources in SourceList slast = SL.sources[-1] # get all attributes of last source
AL = AssociateList() AL.associate( search_distance=0.5, sourcelist1=5, sourcelist2=6 ) AL.commit()
AL = (AssociateList.ALID == 0)[0] np = AL.get_number_of_pairs() # return number of pairs ( ( SL1, S1 ), ( SL2, S2 ) ) = AL.get_pairs() #