The ASTRO-WISE CVS repository can be accessed as

Write access is available for all ASTRO-WISE members using the following commands

    setenv CVS_RSH ssh   (csh syntax)
    CVS_RSH=ssh; export CVS_RSH   (sh syntax)

    cvs -d checkout <module>

and for others read-only access is available using the following commands

    cvs -d login (supply empty password)

    cvs -d checkout <module>

where module can be

In order get write permission you first need ssh (secure shell) access to the repository.
First you will have to generate a private/public DSA key pair. Make sure you are using secure shell protocol 2! Recent versions of ssh should default to protocol 2, e.g. OpenSSH 2.9 and newer.
The public/private keypair is generated with

    ssh-keygen -t dsa

You will be asked for a passphrase. This passphrase can be empty or, for additional security, a phrase. Make sure you remember the passphrase if you use one, because you will need it when authenticating yourself later.
If you are behind a firewall check that it does not block outgoing ssh connections.

The next step is to send the file called


to and wait for further instructions.

While waiting for instructions add the ssh-rsa public key for the host to the file called


Depending on the version of your secure shell you might have to add the key to a different file instead, e.g. ~/.ssh/known_hosts. In addition, ensure that your version of ssh uses the same protocol as server. Under some circumstances you'll have to create or edit a file called ~/.ssh/config and add a line stating:

   Protocol 2

The ssh-rsa public key for can be found here.

After checking out a module the next two cvs commands are most often used (there is a module called Demo on that you can use to practice your cvs skills):

In short, if you want to be in sync with changes that others have made you use cvs update, and if you want to propagate your own changes to others, use cvs commit.
NB. It is very important to regularly do an update and not to wait too long with a commit, especially when there is a high probability that you are not the only person working on a file. In particular, before you commit major changes it is important to update. If you do not, there is a risk that cvs will inform you of a conflict which has to be solved by hand.